Academic Council Committees


Academic Council Committees

Academic Council has a number of Standing Committees which report directly to it. Sub-Committees report indirectly to Academic Council via the Standing Committees.

Chair: Professor Steve Olivier, Principal
Secretary: Fiona McLean Whyte, Academic Quality Lead

Membership, Remit and Composition

The Remit and Composition of the Academic Council are contained in Organisational Regulation O3:




  • 18 June 2024
  • 15 December 2024
  • 18 March 2025
  • 4 June 2025

All meetings will be at 14:00 in H230.

Committees of Academic Council

Sub-Committees, their memberships and Conveners will be reviewed not less than every three years.

Quality Assurance &  Enhancement Committee

The remit is to consider policy matters and practice relating to teaching, learning and assessment and the enhancement of the student experience, including equality and diversity, and to develop and appraise the effectiveness of the University’s quality assurance processes and mechanisms for maintaining the academic standards.

Academic Regulations Sub-Committee

This is a Sub-Committee of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee. The remit includes to consider revisions to the Academic Regulations and make recommendations to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and to promote good practice and consistency in the application of the Academic Regulations.

woman on a video call

This is a Sub-Committee of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee. The remit includes oversight of the quality of the student experience in respect of both academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular provision and services, the development of policies and practice to enhance the student experience, and the review and monitoring of the effectiveness of services.

Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee

This is a Sub-Committee of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee. The remit includes to inform strategic equality and diversity priorities and direction, based on robust evidence, data, involvement and consultation with the University’s Equality and Diversity Forum and other appropriate stakeholders.

Academic Development Committee

The remit is to advise on the future shape and structure of the academic portfolio in response to ongoing market analysis and performance analysis, and approve course developments and collaborative ventures based on criteria and financial parameters agreed by Academic Council and the Executive.

Research Committee

The remit is to advise the university on the appropriate strategic direction, priorities & activities in order to be internationally, nationally & regionally recognised for excellence in translational research, enterprise and innovation in key thematic areas and to demonstrate tangible success in applying that research for the benefit of the wider community and the university’s course portfolio

Research Degrees Committee

The remit is to support the Vice-Principal for Research and Head of the Graduate School in developing and enhancing the University’s Graduate School and provision of research degree programmes.

Research Integrity and Ethics Sub-Committee

This is a Sub-Committee of the Research Committee. The remit includes to oversee the implementation of a research governance quality management system for the University and the maintenance and enhancement of ethical standards in the conduct of research (including consultancy and professional practice) undertaken by employees and students of the University.

Student Appeals Committee

The remit is to consider, on behalf of Academic Council, any appeals by students against decisions of Assessment Boards or, in the case of students registered for research degrees, against decisions of examiners or the Research Degrees Committee, or appeals in respect of misconduct, and to take the action that it considers to be appropriate and in accordance with Academic Regulations.

School Academic Boards

The Academic Boards monitor, review and agree action relating to the operation, management, quality assurance and development of the School’s academic portfolio and subject base. This includes ensuring the effective implementation of University policy in respect of quality enhancement, including teaching, learning and assessment policy.

Honorary Degrees Committee

The remit is to consider nominations for the award of Honorary Degrees.

Studetns laughing

This group reports to the Academic Development Committee.

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