Understanding Energy Transition

Why must Energy Transition happen?

We are the first generation who can directly see how our actions affect the climate. If we don’t act now, will we be the last generation who can do anything about it?

The climate emergency is already here

We can see the impact of climate change on our planet - more storms and floods, extreme heat, and changing weather patterns and seasons.

Changes to our climate already affect global ecosystems, insect populations, and food supply.

And soon, we may see more sea ice melting, rising sea levels, and further increases in global temperatures.

Our planet, our responsibility

We are the first generation that can directly see the impact of our actions on the climate.

But we may also be the last generation who can do something about it, so we need to act fast.

We must rethink how we produce and consume energy.

Our future depends on getting energy transition right.

If we don't act now, we will see temperatures continue to increase, changing our way of life and putting humanity as we know it at risk.

But if we act now and get energy transition right, we can keep temperatures within 1.5 degrees of pre-industrial level and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Energy transition is about the sustainability of our planet and maintaining the rich and varied life we see all around us.

Key points

  • We can already see the impact of climate change, and further extreme changes may put humanity at risk.
  • We may be the last generation that can mitigate the worst impact of climate change, so we must act now.
  • Getting energy transition right is about creating a sustainable planet, preserving global ecosystems, and protecting humanity.

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