Patience John-Emezi

Data Analyst - Eneco

Patience John-Emezi

Patience is an experienced energy professional who decided to pursue a career in the renewable energy industry. Upon completion of the MSc Energy Management degree in 2021, she secured a role with Eneco as a Data Analyst, responsible for managing and improving the company's data management systems and reporting performance trends to help make strategic economic decisions.

Could you tell us what sparked your interest in pursuing a career in renewable energy?

It was a yearning to contribute to producing new, clean and sustainable energy that reduces emissions and promotes positive climate change. Because I was fully involved in fossil energy exploration and production, I had a first-hand idea of the impact on the environment and our ecosystem. I wanted to help contribute to the energy transition.

What did you enjoy most about studying at RGU?

RGU has a reputation of producing graduates that are highly sought after by employers because it delivers a high-quality curriculum, providing students with the skills they require to thrive in their chosen careers. I also loved that RGU provided an inclusive, diverse and collaborative environment for everyone to work together as a team. Although my studying was during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, we still managed to create a conducive online environment where everyone expressed their strengths and participated in interactive activities.

How do you feel your course prepared you for a career in renewable energy?

By undertaking the MSc Energy Management course, I was not only exposed to the fundamentals of renewable energy technologies, but also equipped with the skills and knowledge required to commence my career in renewable energy. I especially want to reference the Capstone Module I completed through the Consultancy Project Route. I was fortunate to have had a placement opportunity with the then UK Oil and Gas Industry Association Limited (OGUK), known now as Offshore Energies UK (OEUK). My time with OEUK launched me into my current career path. Working as the Energy Transition Data Analyst with OEUK helped develop my understanding of the role of a Data Analyst. I also gained industry knowledge of the importance of data management and how to extract useful information from business data that help businesses make strategic decisions towards actualising their business objectives.

What has been your proudest moment in your career so far?

So far, I am most proud of achieving one of the most fearsome career decisions I ever took, quitting my then job and deciding to pursue a career within the renewable energy industry. When I embarked on the journey, it was daunting and appeared unachievable. However, with hard work, dedication and the support of family and friends, I sailed through, exceeding every expectation I had. RGU was instrumental in helping me achieve this career objective. I hope to achieve many more as I progress in my career.

How can engineering graduates contribute to solving energy transition challenges?

Energy transition is a global phenomenon. The world desires to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar for producing useable energy. It is still in its developmental stages and requires an interface between engineering and other professions. Engineering has already made enormous contributions to the development of infrastructure and the operability of systems. There is still so much to be done to reduce the levelised cost of renewable energy and to make it more accessible to all. Engineering graduates, I believe, can contribute through continuous R&D work, addressing some of the challenges facing the energy transition, like how to store energy for long periods and how to increase the efficiency of renewable energy generation systems. They can do this by looking into ways to improve the design of wind turbines and solar PVs and by innovating industry-specific technologies.

Do you have any advice for students and graduates entering the renewable energy industry?

I will advise graduates looking to enter the renewable energy industry have a good understanding of the industry, which should include knowledge of current issues, trends, changing and emerging technologies, and challenges facing the industry by keeping up to date with industry news and events. Also, they should equip themselves with the necessary technical and soft skills applicable to the sector.

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