Dedicated IT Labs for Computing Students

Computing, Digital & IT Facilities

Dedicated IT Labs for Computing Students

A total of 335 desktop workstations are available in the 9 IT labs in the School.

The School of Computing operates a support environment managed by a group of System Administrators dedicated to supporting the IT infrastructure of the School. The school is responsible for managing its own IT provision and helpdesk, which is the first point of call for students in the school.

PCs are replaced on a 3 year basis and run on full processors rather than Thin Client.

A core suite of applications are installed on all workstations with some licence-limited software in labs as teaching dictates. All labs have access to dedicated projection equipment, nearby printing facilities and access to the University Wireless Network.


Various labs are available for use, accommodating from 14 to 116 seats. 

These include first year, Multimedia Lab, Apple Mac Teaching Lab, Cyber Security Lab and Cisco Networking Lab.

Take a Virtual Tour of the Dedicated IT Labs

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