Susan Elston

Garthee Aeiral shot
Susan is the Chair of the Board of North East Scotland College.

Susan is a former operational leader commanding extensive board experience driving the advancement of business strategy across the oil & gas, further education and charity sectors.

Susan has worked on a global and regional scale for over 20 years, delivering customer-centric service, health and safety excellence and cost-efficient operations in some of the most complex, high-risk environments.

Through this, she also contributes to the advancement of female leaders and board representation, striving to identify and seek solutions for gender & inclusion issues. On several of the boards she has been a part of, I play a role in scrutinising and championing the recruitment, appointment and promotion of policies and procedures that deliver best practice and drive the societal impact of organisations.

She aims to capitalise on a wealth of experience as an executive leader, board member, trustee director and business coach to acquire select non-executive directorships where her expertise in operational strategy, gender equality, customer experience, health & safety compliance and effective corporate governance can contribute significant value to the board.

Register of Interest

All positions, appointments, employment etc (whether remunerated or not) that you hold with any other organisation.

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Details of any self-employed business, consultancy or other activities you are engaged in, whether remunerated or not, or for other reward or gains.

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Details of any contractual or financial/non-financial relationship (including Directorship, Partnership, Consultancy, Board Membership, other Appointments or position of authority or influence, whether paid or unpaid,) with any other company, public authority or service or any other organisation, or any other position you have that would or could enable you to influence the award of a contract or allow you to benefit financially.

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Details of any ownership of land or property or other holdings within Aberdeen (other than your own main family home) that may be directly or indirectly affected by any known or prospective estate development plan in the vicinity of the city centre campus or the Garthdee campus.

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Details of any other interests or matters of equivalence to any of the above.

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Details where the interests of any close relative may require to be declared.

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