Parking permit restrictions are enforced from 8:00 – 16:00, Monday – Friday. A parking permit will be required for staff and students in order to park on campus. Visitors should register in advance or at reception on the day.
If parking on campus outside of enforcement times, the RGU Parking Policy still applies. Please park within the standard white lined parking spaces. Parking within a disabled bay is strictly for blue badge holders only. Overnight parking is not permitted.
Car Travel and RGU's Net Zero commitment
Please be mindful that domestic transport is currently Scotland’s largest source of CO2 emissions at over 25%. In planning your travel to campus, have you considered the following options for travelling to RGU?
- Semester long bike hire is available from £20 per month from BikePad at Woolmanhill flats, who also provide a bike maintenance workshop
- Secure bike storage is available on campus for a £10 deposit and there is access to lockers and showers in most buildings
- FREE Bus travel for Under 22s
- Car Sharing can halve the cost of driving and you can find people to car share with using the Liftshare scheme
Whether using your own vehicle, bike, motorbike, hire vehicle or one of the university fleet vehicles, every driver is subject to the University Parking Regulations and guidance on Driving on Campus.
Drop Off Spaces
Drop off zones at each building allow drivers to drop off passengers or heavy equipment. These have a maximum waiting time of 15 minutes and are outlined in blue paint.
Visitor Parking
The visitor spaces designated at all buildings on the Garthdee campus, which are outlined in red and are non-bookable, operating on a first-come-first-served basis.
Visitors should register their vehicle in advance whenever possible, through the person they are meeting. If a vehicle hasn't been registered in advance, all visitors must report to the building's reception where they will be registered for a one-day visitor permit. RGU staff or students cannot register as visitors.
If all the designated visitor spaces are occupied, a visitor can park in a white standard permit holder space on the campus but their vehicle must be registered as a visitor.
Mobility Impairments
The Board of Governors have declared a commitment to ensure that those who have mobility impairments have every possible assistance in accessing University premises for the purpose of academic study and employment. Parking bays for the mobility impaired are located as near as possible to the most appropriate entrance to the University buildings.
Permanent Mobility Impairments
Staff or Students who are holders of a blue badge are permitted to park in any recognised disabled parking bay throughout the University. They do not require an RGU Parking Permit and may park free of charge.
Temporary Mobility Impairments
Any member of staff or student who has a temporary mobility impairment, but is not eligible for a blue badge, can apply for a permit under the "exceptional circumstances" clause.
Accessible parking on campus
Accessible parking for blue badge holders is dispersed throughout the campus. The University recognises the importance of well-designed, clearly signposted accessible parking and have a map to help plan your journey. Accessible parking bays are located in close proximity to the entrances and exits of our buildings.
Student Permits
Any student who wishes to park at the Garthdee campus must have a parking permit.
There are a limited number of permits available for the Garthdee campus. Any student can apply for a permit, but priority will be given to those who live furthest from the University.
Student parking permits are open for a limited time window only which will be communicated to all students via e-mail. After this window closes, there will be no further opportunity that year to apply for a parking permit.
2024-25 Academic Year
Online applications for Garthdee Campus parking permits for returning and new students for the Academic year 2023-24 (period September 2024 to August 2025) are open from Tuesday 27 August - Friday 20 September 2024.
Information on how to apply has been emailed to all students via their RGU email address. If you have enrolled, you will be able to access information on how to apply via:
An RGU email is required for a permit so you will be unable to apply until you are enrolled.
Staff Permits
Any staff member who wishes to park at the Garthdee campus must have a parking permit.
Staff parking permits are open for a limited time window only which will be communicated to all staff via email. After this window closes, there will be no further opportunity that year to apply for a parking permit except for new members of staff joining RGU.
In the meantime, if parking on campus, the RGU Parking Policy still applies. Please park within the standard white lined parking spaces. Parking within a disabled bay is strictly for blue badge holders only.
Car Share
Robert Gordon University operates a car sharing scheme as part of its Green Travel Plan to encourage the reduction of vehicles travelling to its sites.
The aims of the Car Share scheme are:
- to reduce the impact of single car occupancy on the local environment
- to offer staff and students an alternative to lone driving wherever possible
- to utilise the limited car parking resources as efficiently as possible
Priority is given to those who choose to car share. To encourage car sharing, dedicated car share bays will be available near each building on the Garthdee Campus.
Car sharing is when two or more registered drivers, who reside at different addresses, share the journey to and from the University by car. A car share team can include both staff and students.
Applications for car share permits are open at the same time as staff and returning students, and new students will have the opportunity to apply once they have received their enrolment information and RGU login details.
Information on how to apply has been emailed to all staff and students RGU email addresses, however if you have not received this email
For those who do not already have a Car Share partner, Robert Gordon University work with a Scotland wide Liftshare scheme who offer an online search facility to help you find someone to share with. Even if you are not a car driver, you can still use the online search facility to find someone to share the journey with.
Exceptional Circumstances
The University reserves the right to allocate a parking permit to an individual, either staff or student, in exceptional circumstances due to the driver's own ill health or disability.
Permits issued under exceptional circumstances will be charged at the same rate as standard parking permits.
The Inclusion Centre can support you with exceptional circumstances parking if you meet the criteria:
- You meet the definition of a disability
- You provide medical evidence from a GP, Consultant or Psychiatrist to confirm your disability
- You have a disability related need to park on-campus, such as a mobility issue which means you cannot use the local on-street parking because the distance is too far
We cannot support exceptional circumstances parking for reasons relating to:
- Cost of on-street parking
- Carer responsibilities
- Exceptional circumstances not related to a disability
Applications under exceptional circumstances will be assessed by HR (staff) or Inclusion (student). If approved, permits will then be issued by Transport.
Applicants should complete the form and submit to their HR advisor (staff) or to (student).
You should submit all other requests to –
Definition of a disability
You’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
What ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ mean
- ‘substantial’ is more than minor or trivial, eg it takes much longer than it usually would to complete a daily task like getting dressed
- ‘long-term’ means 12 months or more, eg a breathing condition that develops as a result of a lung infection
There are special rules about recurring or fluctuating conditions, eg arthritis.
Parking Charge Notices
RGU has a Parking Policy in place which manages parking on campus.
All vehicles parked on campus must be displaying a valid RGU Parking Permit and must be parked within a designated parking bay.
Any vehicle parked in contravention of the Parking Policy is liable to a £50 Parking Charge Notice (PCN).
On Street Parking
An Aberdeen City Council controlled parking zone is in operation around the Garthdee residential area from 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday.
Garthdee Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
Outwith these hours parking is not restricted other than by the regulations set out in the Highway Code.
Residential permits and business permits are available for people who reside or have a business within the Garthdee CPZ.
Anyone without an Aberdeen City Council permit must display a valid voucher in their vehicle and must park in one of the designated areas.
Alternatively, there are a number of locations within the Garthdee area in which staff/students can now park using the Pay by Phone App.
Voucher Charges
- £1.50 for up to 2 Hours
- £4.95 for up to 6 hours (All Day)
Voucher Outlets
Vouchers can be purchased from locations on campus:
- Sir Ian Wood Building Reception
- Garthdee House Annexe Reception
- Student Life Hub
Parking Areas
There are only certain areas around the Garthdee CPZ in which voucher holders can park, these are areas marked 'Resident/Voucher Parking'. Voucher holders cannot park in areas marked 'Resident permit holders only'.
Please read any signage carefully.
The CPZ will be monitored and enforced by Aberdeen City Council and Vehicles not displaying a valid permit/voucher during operational period will be issued with an excess charge notice which is currently £60.
This map is not currently in an accessible format ,please contact if you need information about the local parking areas.