Situated right in the heart of Europe, and with the commercial, financial, and cultural centre of Zurich on its doorstep, it has everything you need for an unforgettable exchange experience. Excellent travel connections in all directions make ZHAW an ideal starting point from which to combine academic study with a voyage of discovery. In addition, Switzerland, famous for its beautiful landscapes and unspoiled nature, offers a wealth of outdoor activities, leisure facilities, cultural sites, and events to ensure that you will never be short of something interesting to do.
Institutions departments, with those that we have links with are starred*.
- School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
- School of Health Professions
- School of Applied Linguistics
- School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
- School of Applied Psychology
- School of Social Work
- School of Engineering
- School of Management and Law*
Simon Fraser
Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263911
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk
Gerry McGee
The School of Law and Social Sciences
Tel: 00 44 1224 263985
Email: g.mcgee1@rgu.ac.uk
Iain MacLeod
Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263430
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk
Exchange Contacts
Sandra Aerne
Incoming Exchange Coordinator – School of Management and Law
Tel: 00 41 58 934 73 05
Email: sandra.aerne@zhaw.ch
International Relations Office
School of Engineering
Tel: 00 41 58 934 47 44
Email: exchange.engineering@zhaw.ch
Institution Details
Zurich University of Applied Sciences
St Georgenplatz 2
8400 Winterthur
- Institution Code: CH WINTERT03
Find out more
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