HWR Berlin

A-Z Partner Institutions

HWR Berlin

HWR Berlin is a public university of applied sciences. The university offers a highly practical and hands-on approach to teaching and all academic staff have real-world experience of the subjects they teach.


The third-largest specialist business administration and economics institution in Germany, the HWR Berlin also ranks highly for its international focus thanks to its wide network of global partnerships. Students at the HWR Berlin study in the centre of a city renowned for its flourishing cultural scene, fascinating history and a way of life that is both fast-paced and relaxed. It is a city of contrasts: between East and West, between historical buildings and modern architecture, between the traditional and the modern, all of which makes Berlin a fascinating place to discover.


Institutions departments, with those that we have links with are starred*.

  • Business and Economics*
  • Cooperative Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Legal Studies
  • Police and Security Management



Simon Fraser

Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263911
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk

Iain MacLeod

Aberdeen Business School
Tel: 00 44 1224 263430
Email: ABSStudyAbroad@rgu.ac.uk


Exchange Contacts

Amanda Barron

Incoming Coordinator
Tel: 00 49 30 30877 1354
Email: incoming@hwr-berlin.de

Susan Leung

Double Degree Coordinator
Tel: 00 49 30 30877 1137
Email: doubledegree@hwr-berlin.de


Institution Details


HWR Berlin
Badensche Strasse 52
10825 Berlin


  • Institution Code: D BERLIN06

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