The Fashion Place

Art, Design & Craft Facilities

The Fashion Place

Housed within the Riverside Building, the Fashion Place is the hub for all undergraduate and postgraduate Fashion Management & International Fashion Business students and staff.

On arrival, you’ll be instantly drawn towards the stylish, purpose-built window display showcasing everything from paper dress designs to full shop fronts. Contained within the space are a number of style mannequins, a guillotine, spray booth and a number of iMacs you can utilise for all your projects. The facility is often used for lectures and has long desks, perfect for brainstorming and creating mood boards.

Outside the facility there are photoshoot boards, showcasing all the shoots that have been shot by our students and the Annus Moris which translates into ‘a year in fashion’. This yearly round-up outlines what everyone in Fashion Management &  International Fashion Business gets up to including all the events and opportunities you will get involved in. 

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