Elodie Baldwin - MA Fine Art

Elodie Baldwin - MA Fine Art graduate - 8th December Graduation
Élodie is a Scottish-Iraqi artist specialising in filmmaking. Her work focuses on the perspective of humanity through an uncanny mode of storytelling, depicting mythology and Freudian theory through stop-motion and puppets.

Upon leaving St.Margaret’s Academy secondary school in Livingston, Elodie gained a HNC in Contemporary Art Practice at West Lothian College.  This provided the springboard she needed to expand her skills and knowledge of the arts, to begin her studies at Gray’s School of Art where she studied a BA in Contemporary Art Practice. 

After graduating with a BA in Contemporary Art Practice at Grays, 25 year-old Elodie Baldwin from Broxburn, decided to pursue a MA in Fine Art as a postgraduate.

“What initially attracted me to the BA at Grays, was the fact it seemed very multimedia based and the perfect course for the kind of work I was interested in making. I also found the range of workshops available very helpful as it allowed me to try the various elements of contemporary art, which enhanced my understanding of building a professional and more fine-tuned approach to my own practice. I decided to further challenge myself and my practice by going on to do the MA course."

"For my MA, I explore reinterpreted mythology of the Marsh Arabs of Iraq, crossed with the deteriorating ecology of their land due to climate change. My painting series, 'From Venus to the Underworld',  my film, 'Dwellers,' and subsequent artist’s book, 'Dwellers of the Plains', aims to observe the thin line between fact and fiction and time itself. Captured in a time bubble, the marshes illustrate the temporal qualities of forgotten land. The return of the forgotten and of the repressed, emerges through the uncanny marshlands of memory. Every aspect of humanity must be considered from the perspective of time."

"My time at Gray’s has been great and taught me so much about contemporary art and how to develop an artist’s practice.”

Looking forward Elodie says: “In terms of career, I am eager to progress onto a PHD in a few years and continue researching for my practice. I've had a fantastic time at Grays and can't wait to build upon the experience I have gained."

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