Isla Goldie - Communication Design

Isla Goldie
A talented design student has created a fascinating project which juxtaposes historical images of Aberdeen alongside those of present day.

Isla Goldie (43), who studied Communication Design, will display her body of work at the upcoming Gray’s Virtual Degree Show, where members of the public will be able to engage with her exhibition online.  

Among the famous sites are the Castlegate, Union Street, the Railway Station, Holburn Junction, Schoolhill and St Nicholas Graveyard, with some of the historic images dating back to the 1800s.  

Isla commented: “My portfolio is closely intertwined with my hometown of Aberdeen - the streets, the beaches, the people.  

“I suppose I aim to encourage residents and visitors alike to think positively and purposefully about this welcoming and free city. 

“One of the draws of the Communication Design Course for me, was that it allowed me to learn more about visual culture and how I can use it succinctly in my work, creating more poignant outcomes.” 

The Gray’s Virtual Degree Show has been created in response to COVID-19, and will allow all graduating students the opportunity to curate their own online exhibition space.  

Isla continues “This has been a difficult year being physically separated from the facilities and staff. There have been significant compromises made due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Projects have been rounded up less than complete, but such is the effect of this virus on our society: sacrifices have been made by us all.

"New opportunities have also arisen from being in lockdown and, this experience at Gray’s has opened up new avenues of exploration like this year’s virtual degree show which is a really exciting thing to be part of and sets to provide an alternative way to display artwork and being part of the virtual galleries of the future.” 

Despite her final year not panning out as planned, Isla looks back fondly at her time at Gray’s and the support she has received and the opportunities she has taken.  

“Throughout my time at university, the biggest privilege was without doubt gaining access to the experience and generosity of mind of the lecturers. They are always helpful to take our work one step beyond where it was before our time with them.”  

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