Caroline Hendry - BA (Hons) Painting

Caroline Hendry Painting Gray's Degree Show
Caroline draws on her sense of nostalgia for her childhood internet experience, creating a thought-provoking collection that explores digital communities.

Painting student, Caroline Hendry from Inverness, has produced an exploratory collection of work that examines virtual relationships created online through forums and websites.

She draws on her own experiences growing up as she explains: “As a child I formed many relationships online through shared interests on forums and websites. We created our own digital communities which gives me a strong sense of nostalgia, a nostalgia for my childhood internet experience. My work centres around this personal relationship.”

“I enjoy researching old internet media and information, which I then organise into files and charts on my computer, creating a database of internet artefacts which I then use in my practice. This research is not done for the purpose of creating art. It is something that I do in my spare time for enjoyment. I then explore this in my practice through intricacy and detail, with a focus on conveying the domesticity and comfort that I feel for my childhood online.”

“I believe that this new understanding of nostalgia is just as valuable as "traditional" nostalgia and hope to convey this through my displaying of virtual and physical objects. I believe that creating this work will help breach the gap of generational understanding of what nostalgia can be, and what it can become."

Close up of painting of cartoon-like character wearing a party hat, the character emerges from a decorated box
Cream coloured sheet draped on a white wall
White sheet cut to look like a teddy bear face
Close up of drawing of cartoon child in bed holding a Nintendo DS, surrounded by images of cartoon character and homes from a game she plays
Painting of a girl wearing a headset
Painting of a decorated tea pot on a tray with a Digestive biscuit on a plate next to it

Caroline chose to study at Gray's because of her family connection to Garthdee.  Many of her family had previously lived in the area and her great grandmother was even a cleaner at Gray's, so it felt natural to end up studying here. She was drawn to the focus on drawing and painting at Gray’s and the size of the school itself. She also liked that you had a physical interview when applying. This made Caroline feel like Gray's truly valued seeing your work.  

Caroline says she’s found her experience at Gray's to be a very positive one and feels she owes a lot to the School for helping her find her own natural way of working and developing her artistic practice.

“There's a focus on detail and finish that I've found very valuable. I wouldn’t have learned to the extent I have, had I not studied at Gray’s School of Art.” 

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