Alumni in Focus

David Iain Brown

David Iain Brown

As the Gray’s Degree Show 2023 opens its doors to the public this week, contemporary art practice alum (Class of 2017) David Iain Brown, shares his degree show memories.

What year did you exhibit and what was the name / theme of your Gray’s exhibit? 

Back in 2017, my work was all about how one can repurpose another material with built in qualities or faults. I used other people's thrown away materials to create new work. Repurposing the old to create the new.

How were you feeling on the run up to opening night? 

For any student showing their work, they’ll feel a mixture of emotions. Excitement is definitely there, a bit of worry about how the public will perceive your work and if it’s the first time your family is seeing your work, you’ll maybe feel anxious too.

I experienced all these emotions for sure, but I was excited to get opinions on my work and to unveil what I created to the world!

Artwork by David Iain Brown
Artwork by David Iain Brown
Artwork by David Iain Brown

What were some standout moments from degree show week? 

For me, it was how much positive and critical feedback I got from the public.

I stayed in my space for the full duration of the degree show so I could speak to every single person visiting my space. Even if that meant being there for 10-plus hours to speak to one or two people, that made my day for me.  

Following that, I was asked to be part of a couple group shows with my peers and I sold out most of my degree show and the remaining pieces went to a gallery. 

What have you been up to since? 

I stay in Glasgow now and have a studio in the East end of the city where I have been creating paintings for the past 5 years.

Right now, I’m working full time at Anthropologie in Edinburgh as their Display coordinator. I design, build and install all aspects of window and indoor hanging displays.  

I’ve been fortunate enough to still be able to continue my practice which has helped me grow my presence on social media considerably. It’s allowed me to show work all over the world and has led to my pieces being bought by collectors ranging from Brussels to Hong Kong.

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